Top 20 DevOps Interview Questions 2019:The mostly common ones…!!!
1.What is DevOps ? Differnce between Agile vs DevOps ?
2.Why DevOps ?
3.In your current organization if you did some automation write the logic using bash/shell.4.Basic about Python Scripting.
5.Set Up a CI/CD Pipeline From Scratch using Jenkins.
6.Explain the github branching strategy you have worked on your current company.How do you resolve a merge conflict in git.
7.Chef vs Ansible. Explain the architecture of both.
8.Write some sample playbook and a cookbook.
9.Which monitoring tool you have used.
10.Setup up any monitoring tool like nagios using Ansible/Chef.
11.What are the AWS Services you have worked ?What are the AWS Compute Service ?
12.What is VPC ?Do you know how to create a VPC ? What is subnet ?
13.What is a Security group ?
11.What are IAM roles and policies ?
14.What is cloud watch ? How we can create an alarm in Cloud watch.
15.What is cloud formation ? What is cloud formation template?
16.what is containerization ?Difference between virtualization and containerization?
17.what is docker ?write a docker compose file to deploy a multi container application? to remove volume in docker ?
19.What is Infrastructure as a code ?
20.How can you implement Infrastructure as a code ?